The 2010 Katyń Families Association

The present report was developed and is based on study results prepared by experts, academics, scientists and researchers from the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia, who have collaborated together for the past three years with the Parliamentary Committee for investigation of the Polish Air Force One crash in Smolensk, Russia on April 10, 2010. Research study prepared by author Kazimierz Nowaczyk, Ph.D. >>

29.06.2015 portal reports that German Federal Prosecutor's Office has initiated a preliminary investigation into the April 10, 2010, Smolensk Crash, in order to establish whether the crash was an assassination.



Jürgen Roth claims in his "2015: Verschlussakte S: Smolensk, MH17 und Putins Krieg in der Ukraine" (2015: Secret Files S: Smolensk, MH17 and Putin’s War in Ukraine) that German intelligence believes the crash at Smolensk in western Russia may not have been accidental.


German intelligence reports indicate that German authorities have no doubt as to what caused the crash in Smolensk.



The murder of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov calls for an independent international investigation, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Thursday. This is the "most significant political murder in recent Russian history", they add, warning that Kremlin propaganda is turning Russia into a "state of repression, hate speech and fear". >>


The information provided below is limited as much as possible to sources from the Polish Prosecution, Military Prosecution and governmental officials. Findings of international, independent academics and investigative journalists will be limited as much as possible in the text below.



The independant parliamentary group established to investigate the causes of the TU-154M disaster of 10 April 2010 has recreated the most likely scenario of the final seconds of the tragic governmental Tu-154M flight to Smolensk.



Many findings gathered during 4.5 years of investigation suggest that the aircraft most probably was destroyed by series of explosions during go-around manoeuvre. The following evidence supports the case. Circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that the aircraft most probably was destroyed by series of explosions during go-around maneuverer on the altitude 100-200 feet (30-60 m) above the ground. >>


The Polish pilots are not blame according to nearly half of Poles. Nearly 40% of respondents believe the tragedy was caused by a terrorist attack according to a study conducted by TNS Polska for "wSieci" weekly.




Award-winning director Antoni Krauze has begun shooting a feature about the Smolensk air tragedy, depicting the events surrounding the Smolensk air disaster in 2010 that killed 96 people, including Polish President Lech Kaczyński.

